So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 20

There was a sad little moment this morning.  Eric had taken the boys to work on the grounds at church today and I was at home with the girls. Addi was lying on my bed and all the sudden started crying.  I asked her what was wrong and she said, “I just want to watch a movie. I love TV so much.” This made me sad for two reasons. 1) We (our family) have let TV be such a big part of our routines that we always feel this is what is to fall back on, or kill time with, or just relax to…. All of us, even the kids. I need to do a better job (and I think things like this month help) of making sure my kids have creative minds to think of other things to do than watch TV.  I need to be a better example in the department too. 2)Am I torturing my children because I want to learn something?!?! Ok… well I know that no TV or screens for a month isn’t technically torture (though sometimes it does feel that way), but I am wondering if I am dragging my kids into this big huge elaborate thing only for my benefit.  Addi settled for a big book reading/snuggle session.

Some of the council members are doing forms of each of the months or at least some of the months along side me. Sometimes we do/fast the same things, sometimes they are different.  We all are doing the same general theme during the same month, but some have a different purpose or goal for the month.  Some of us are dragging our kids into some of these things, others aren’t.  I am just going to think long and hard about what my kids will learn (if anything) during the month before including them as I move forward.  Don’t get me wrong, I think this month has been great for our family… I am just now aware of the effects, both good and bad, it potentially could have on my children.

It was a great afternoon.  The weather was warm-ish (at least for what it has been) around 45-50 degrees.  So we loaded up the bikes, rollerblades, dog and headed to the riverfront. I got in a good little jog, kids got some good bike riding in, while Eric pushed the stroller and walked the dog in roller blades (he is quite the super-dad). We did a little geo-caching and headed home.  I am supposed to be running a half marathon in the morning with some girlfriends, but there is a big winter storm (even though it is technically Spring) supposedly coming.  We shall see. We took advantage of the opportunity to get out of the house while we had the chance.

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