So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Prayer Month: Day 6

So the reminders on my phone are helping… but this is much harder than anticipated.  I find myself multi-task praying, which is not really the purpose. The purpose was to take 7 pauses a day to communicate with God… but I am guessing that making a conscience effort to communicate with him 7 times a day while folding laundry, or washing dishes, or driving in a car, or waiting in a doctors office is better than not communicating at all, right?

I have noticed a change in my attitude since I have been praying more often. I think starting the day thankful, before anyone else is awake, really helps. I also find that God has a great sense of humor (this shows up more often than not with me and our heavenly father). On more than one occasion this week, when I was struggling with my attitude toward someone, even to the point of tears and frustration, I would open my handy dandy prayer journal to find that I had that particular person written down to pray for… by name… that very day. It is difficult to stay mad or frustrated with someone after you have spent a good deal of time in prayer for them. So God is working on my heart and attitude, and reminding me that just talking with Him tends to be the answer to everything.

I also find a lot of things carry over to multiple times a day prayers… I love this. One in particular is this well project my kids are working toward. I get to talk to God about them during my thankful prayer at 6, with my children in prayer at 8, multiple times (though not everyday) during 10am and 2pm, it always bleeds over into 5 pm, and everyday at 11pm. God has opened my eyes to what was a very narrow-minded task (in my mind) into a bounty of teaching important character building moments, showing God’s love,  and life-lesson opportunities through this one Christmas wish to provide a village with fresh drink water. God has a great way of letting me just talk it out and shaping me and the direction of my heart and attitude.

I love that I am getting some opportunities to pray with people (my husband in particular) about specific things that involve me and the person I am praying with. This is not always a comfortable thing for me to do, but the little chime that goes off on my phone to let me know it is time to pray is sometimes a great conversation opener.

Though I find myself not always having these deep, amazing, long, in-depth conversations with God 7 times a day… I can see growth in me, and an attitude change for the better. And it is only week one. :)

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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