So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Waste: Day 2

So today didn’t exactly go according to plan.  I had an appointment in the city, so Eric and the kids were going to come with me and then we would have a family afternoon in the city doing “local” things. Well, my appointment that should have been 30 minutes was 2 hours and 45 minutes. So Eric took the kids to Lone Elk Park in Fenton while they were waiting on me. They got to see some bison, elk, and deer. Yeah for enjoying local nature! They did however wait on me for lunch (very thoughtful) but it was now almost 2:00 and everyone was starving and all the drama that that implies. So we are hunting for a Mom and Pop place… found one! Closed for lunch on Mondays… of course you are. Across the street there was Camille’s Sidewalk Café… sounds local… google check… no more in the state of Missouri… I think we are good.

Lunch was good, cute café and good food, but upon further investigation, this is not the only one. It is a growing company with 30 stores nation wide… I guess it is better than the McDonalds we passed up the road that has 33,000 stores world wide (and yes I did look that up online), but it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when envisioning this month. So, not sure that was really fasting approved, but it was an innocent, unknowing cheat so I won’t feel guilty for too long.

Our afternoon was more than half gone at this point, so we headed toward home and swam at the local city pool for a couple of hours. I am anti-public pool for multiple reasons (i.e. you spend 80% of your time taking people to gross public restrooms and 20% of your time in the water) but I was out voted, so public pool won for the entertainment factor today.

The “red bucket” has been getting a workout at our house. All things that would be composted (if we were garden growers) go into the red bucket and then head out to the “poop pile” (this would be where all the dog feces from our yard go). Lots of watermelon rinds, apple cores, orange peels, and vegetable peelings have been to the poop pile in the last 2 days. Right now this is a fun chore for the kids… hoping that lasts for a while. :)

 Tomorrow I hope to price and possibly purchase things for the first “Earth Friendly Project”. 

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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