So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, July 22, 2013

Waste: Day 1

So day one overall was a good start to the month. We usually eat lunch out on Sunday afternoon, so we choose Dairy Delight… locally owned and operated (and absolutely delicious).  We hung out with Eric’s fam for the afternoon which would be considered “local entertainment”.  :) 

 I picked up some raw milk (like straight from the farm to your kitchen… cream still on top) that I am anxious to try, which covers buying “farmer’s market”.

We spent some time discussing as a family the rules and guidelines this month. The kids are super pumped and have come up with tons of ideas on how to save energy, conserve water, and lots of “earth day type” projects for this month.  And then you have Eric… :) I love the man, but he sometimes takes some time to warm up to ideas that are not his (don’t most men?). 

The thermostat is set on 76 rather than the normal 73… it has been adjusted many times today. I won’t say who, but I will give you one guess (it was my idea to change the temperature and only one other person can reach the thermostat in our house:)).  

I am also convinced that Eric thinks it is not a true fast unless I am miserable (just refer back to EVERY SINGLE DAY of food month). When discussing saving water, my idea is limiting my showers to only 5 minutes (NOTE: I did not ask him to limit his to 5 minutes… only me), making sure we turn the water off while brushing teeth and shaving, and giving the dog leftover water from cups at the table rather than pouring them out. The reaction, “I brush my teeth too fast to turn the water off”,  “I am not giving the dog warm, leftover water… she deserves cold water because it is hot.”, and “If you are really wanting to conserve water I think you need to get yourself wet, turn the water off, do all of your washing of hair and body, then turn the water back on. Otherwise, you are really not going all out, now are you Cass?”  I said I was not doing that with the shower, limiting to 5 minutes is a sacrifice and what I have decided to do. I will give the dog warm leftover water, if he is here, I can’t stop him from getting new cold water. And the kids and I will be participating the teeth brushing/water turning off process, he can do what he wants (after all, he did not choose this… I did).  This was followed by me taking a shower for church. During the showering process… right as I had my hair nice and shampooed up and ready to rinse (eyes of course closed because of the impending soap that could fall into them), the water in my shower mysteriously turns off! Followed by a voice from the distance saying, “just trying to save water!”. This could be a very interesting month! :)

The kids, like I said, are excited! I have the “light police” turning off any lights of rooms we are not in.  The girls are singing the “Recycle, Reduce, Re-use… and close the loop” song from when I was a kid learning about recycling. And everyone is pumped about “their idea” for the family projects. It’s going to be a fun month!

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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