So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, June 28, 2013

Food: Day 12

One great change this week… I’m not hungry! I spent two days making crockpot meals (4 meals total) that I could use for my “go to” meals this week. It made the lunch time and ballgame nights so much easier to have something I knew I liked, was fasting approved, would fill me up, and wasn’t eggs. :) I had a little helper helping me prepare things. Lots of peeling and chopping and crockpotting(I know it is not a word)… we had a good time.

Another added bonus… I found something I LOVE!!! There aren’t tons of things I’ve tried that I hated (though there are a few), most things were enjoyable, but this is the first thing I found that I love! Frozen banana, raspberries and/or blackberries, and pineapple… blend and enjoy! I have enjoyed this lovely concoction 4 times this week. I can also safely say I will enjoy it post food month… it was that yummy.

Here is something I am struggling with and would love some opinions. Going on a date with my husband that does not revolve around food, how do I do this? And when I say going on a date, I mean… It has been a really long week at my house with family in the hospital, 2 kids to Urgent care, stitches, bruised ribs, lots of crying and whining, bad news, hormonal kind of week… I need to relax kind of date. Eric and I do have fun dates… kayaking, running, lots of fun go do things kind of dates. But when I just want an evening to relax and have a break from my children, our go to is dinner and a movie (and that movie usually contains candy, soda, and the possibility of movie theater popcorn- all no can dos on the fast). I need another option. Last week we were all set to go on a date and literally couldn’t think of anything other than dinner and a movie, so we ended up spending a family night. We found relaxing things to do. Went to the river front and watched the Washington Brass Band and went to the outdoor movie for the kids. It was fun and relaxing, but I want a grown up date.  I would love ideas… relaxing, don’t have to put forth much mental or physical effort, doesn’t cost and arm and a leg ideas. :)

As far as food goes, it has not been a horrible week. I have had my moments (referring to Day 11’s fasting induced cry), but all in all the week has not been horrible. My attitude has changed, so that makes the food thing not as difficult…most of the time. ;) We did have a Sonic slush run this week (with all the doctor visits… it is just what we do) and I will say it is just not the same ordering a water, but I enjoyed the ice and it fulfilled the thirst factor, so I guess it served it’s purpose.

Almost to the half way point! What a ride!

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Stargazing
    Book store
    Do a project together
    Swing dancing lessons (a weekly date!)
    Thrift store treasure hunt
    Scavenger hunt
    Geocaching (there are websites for this)
    Doug and I have been on three dates since Jessica was born and she just turned 8 so I really should follow my own advice! Check out dating divas. They have pretty good ideas. Dyana
