So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Roles and Responsibilites: Day 8

Grace- Getting something you DO NOT deserve.

Mercy- NOT getting something you DO deserve.

Let me start by saying I am so thankful for God’s grace and mercy. I have been blessed with so many things in this life that I do not deserve. I have a beautiful, wonderful, healthy family that loves me despite all my major flaws. They are forgiving and amazing and I am blessed beyond measure. I also (after much examination over the past week) deserve to be thrown to the wolves, shun from humanity, you name the “shunning” I probably deserve it. I mess up… ALL. THE. TIME!  God is so amazing and I am continually in awe at the numerous chances He gives me… over, and over, and over again… because even though I know what I should be doing, how I should be living, the choices I should be making… I don’t always do it…. Over, and over, and over again. I am so thankful (especially this month) for grace AND mercy.

The first week of Roles and Responsibilities has been harsh. Evaluating and interviewing to determine how I am doing in the roles of my life… well let’s just say there is a lot of potential for improvement. :) The good news is I am not doing EVERYTHING wrong… so I don’t have to just scrap it and start all over (which is great b/c I have cute kids and an awesome husband… I would hate for that to go to waste:)).  I will give you a few highlights of my findings and from here on out you will get to see how I am implementing some of my changes and the things I am learning along the way. :)

When “interviewing” my husband about my homemaker role this is how the conversation started: “Hubs, what is the most important thing… the thing that would mean the most to you… for me to accomplish and be considered doing a good job as a stay at home mom/house wife?” Now before I give you his answer, let me set the stage… we are sitting in the kitchen (first day of the fast)… it has been a rough couple of weeks (some unexpected things occurred that put me out of commission). There are dishes piled in the sink, dirty clothes waiting to go down the basement, the ironing board is still out from the morning, the floor probably hasn’t been swept in a couple of days, the table needs to be wiped off, there are dead flowers in the vase on the kitchen table, everyone’s shoes are strewn about the living room floor… and bless his ever loving heart… his response was, “Dusting. The thing that really just bugs me is dusting.” Dusting?!?!? Seriously?!?! Does he not see the world around us? I don’t know if this was supposed to be a “you never dust until everything else in the house is clean, so let’s be at that point all the time” or if the dust really does bother him and he can live with the mountains of dirty dishes and laundry… but his response was dusting. 

Parenting- this is where I thought my harshest critics would come out. Kids are always brutally honest. I mean earlier in the summer, when discussing what I would do when everyone went to school, Brayden told me I could probably do a better job of packing lunches and cleaning the house… and this was not to be mean… he saw my areas of weakness (and they are very much my areas of weakness) and wanted to give me some honest feedback with a few pointers. He apologized when he realized it hurt my feelings, but he was just being honest, as most children are. Surprisingly, I got rave reviews! My kids think I am doing awesome… I fully expected to get the “here is what you should be doing” but it was quite the opposite. Now I know there is much room for improvement, but the harsh honesty of children was not so harsh this time. :)

Love these little people!
Friendship- this had such a wide variety in responses it is difficult to know where to start. I spent a lot of time in prayer about this one this week… I pretty much need God to paint me a very clear picture on what this looks like for me… because I am really struggling in this area. There is lots of room for clarity and growth in this department… I knew I struggled with relationships/friendships with women, but I didn’t realize how much until this month started.

The evaluation process was tough to hear, as the truth is a lot of the time. When your husband starts a conversation with, “Don’t be mad… but I think you need to hear this…” you know it is going to be a hard truth that you don’t want to hear, and you probably will be mad. But when it something you already know about yourself, you just don’t have people point it out to you (because it is an ugly truth), and  you now have someone that knows you better than anyone on this earth willing to risk a week of the silent treatment for pointing out something in order to make you a better human being… you thank your lucky stars that God gave you an awesome, Godly man that supports you through a crazy year of fasting and loves you unconditionally and can start a conversation with, “Don’t be mad… but I think you need to hear this…”. 
So thankful for this man!

God’s grace is abundant in my life and I am so thankful for it. This month, though a rough, harsh start, will be a great one of productivity and clarity… I can just feel it!

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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