It is that time of year again! The time of year where we kick off our sock campaign and we couldn't be more excited! In case you have forgotten, or you are new to this adventure... let me give you the run down of how it works.
The sock campaign is our primary way of raising funds for the pit latrine and 10 stall toilet house at the school we built last year. The current bathroom situation is a bad one. The school currently has no bathroom. They have 34 students, along with teachers and staff. They are sharing a bathroom with the church across the road. That bathroom is failing. It is a VERY old pit latrine that's walls are caving in. The outside structure is also unstable and infested with bees. And there is only one stall for the church and the school. We would be digging a pit latrine that would provide enough capacity for 10 separate stalls and a much more (non-bee infested) structure. After talking with the people there in Chemurgui, this is the most immediate need they have. This project has a price tag of $5,000.
We have partnered with an AMAZING organization called We Help Two. We sell these super fun socks in packs of three for $15. You get your pack of three pair of fun funky socks, and we get $9 toward the toilet project AND a pair of warm thermal socks to give to the homeless right here in our area! You read that right... we get $$$ toward our project AND thermal socks for the homeless while you get your fun socks!!! It's a win-win-win!

This year we have NEW STYLES and NEW DESIGNS! We still have tall fun stripes, but we also have ankle socks, sports socks, tons of patterns (some new and some old) and my favorite... socks for littles! They have a whole new size (children's 8-12) for all the little people in your life! They are called First Funky and they are adorable!
So how do you purchase?
We have 2 ways...
Local people- I have lots of new styles on hand to purchase! First Funky, Pastel Pop, Yukon Strips, Whitehorse Stripes, Funky Zebra, Ankle Sport, and Performance Ankle! Simply contact me through messenger or email ( and I will get them to you! This is ZERO shipping, and first come first served!
Everyone- ORDER ONLINE! It is sooo easy! Just go HERE to the Sock Store and choose whatever pattern and style you want (new and old)! Add it to your cart, and make sure you put "KRIETE" in the organization you want to receive credit (step 3) and then it gets shipped directly to you!
It is that easy! So BUY SOCKS! By socks for you, your sport's team, your youth group, your friends, your sister, your brother, your Aunt Sally, and your Grandma... everybody needs socks! And share, share, share... so your circle of people can buy socks!

Just to recap...
You buy fun funky socks.
We get $9 AND
A pair of warm socks for the homeless!
Happy shopping!
Oh, I love jazzy socks! Thanks for sharing the link, I'll hop on over and buy some.