So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Purging and Pitching

There is a LOT of purging and pitching of things going on around here!

I have had well over 1,000 things leave my house (I stopped counting at 1,000)... and I still have so much to do! I'm not sure if it makes me super excited to be getting rid of so many things... or if it makes me super sad that we live in such excess that more than 1,000 things have exited my house and I am not having to go without anything.

Up to this point, I haven't gotten rid of many clothes. I've been praying that God would show me where they need to go, but so far, nothing has come across as a specific need. If anyone knows of a family or location that needs women's and children's clothes... please let me know!

In case you are looking for a place to donate your stuff, here are some of the places my stuff has been going...

-Planet Aid Clothing/Shoe Drop offs
-Vintage Values
-Veteran's Home
-Animal Shelter
-Teachers gifts
-Kindergarten crafts
-1st grade Treasure Boxes
-Pregnancy Assistance Center
-Foster Care
-Homeless Shelters

I'm trying to make sure the majority of our things that I am donating are going where they have a purpose. It sometimes takes a little research to figure out where the best place for all this stuff should go.

I will say...this time around has been different. I still have hang ups (things that I know I don't need but I still hesitate to donate) but the lessons are very different. I realize that we do live in excess... extreme is an understatement... but 90% of the things leave are things that have had their time of use and now they are just taking up space. It's not that I was a bad steward of our money at the time, not always... but my lands... why in the world do I hang on to things that could be blessing others? It just takes up space and makes me frustrated with the clutter and disorganization in my home. I'm glad it is going!

I've had a hard time keeping up with the blog this time around  ... I'm going to try to be better about it and get a check in at least once a week. So if you see me, make sure you ask me if stuff is still leaving my house. Even though I'm well over the original goal, I plan to stay focused and continue to purge in the all the areas I have on my list to go through... kitchen and holiday décor along with all the clothes still need to be dealt with. If you stop by my house, I promise we haven't been robbed and ransacked... I'm just sorting and purging... there will be less piles of things being sorted next month. :)

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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