So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, April 2, 2018

Possessions Purpose and Guidelines

Purge our stuff!!! We have so many things we do NOT need! We live in extreme excess. I want to get rid of stuff that is just taking up space. If I don’t love it, use it, or wouldn’t buy it again... it needs to go!

Get rid of 8 things everyday for 28 days.  That is 224 things that need to exit my house!
Sidebar- Only 1 week can count toward clothes.... because believe me, between all 7 of us, clothes could probably easily be my 224.

This one is an all family participation. For lent this year the kids each had to get rid of one thing a day, so 40 things... already have 120+ things bagged up to donate (don’t worry.... these don’t count toward the 224 total.) The kids were a bit panicked when I told them 8 things a day since they just got rid of 40 things each, but that will be 8 things for our family. I will go through mine and the kids stuff. Eric has also decided to participate in this month, and though it might not be 8 a day- he is going to purge! The council members are all participating in some way too. Some doing the 8 a day, some doing their own version!

Most things I am looking to donate, so if anyone knows a local organization or family in need, please let me know. I would much rather it go to someone I know needs it, rather than the local Goodwill. I am really excited to see how God opens doors during this month and where things will go.

Here is to a month of things exiting my house!

Thanks for joining me on the journey!


  1. I have always enjoyed following your journey and especially this one your first time. I will continue to follow and participate in some of your months....beginning with this one. You are amazing!!!
