Jaxten Walter Kriete arrived October 2nd, 2017 @ 11:41am via c-section. He was 9lb 10oz and 20 3/4 inches long.
I'm utterly exhausted and absolutely in love. I'm ever so thankful that the Lord knows what I need better than I do. I don't have a ton of uninterrupted time lately so we will break this blog post into 10 bullet points.
10 Random Things from the First Month(and a boatload of pictures)
1. Jaxten is just so precious. I find myself just sitting and staring and enjoying every little moment (sleeping or awake) with this little guy. My house is going to be a mess, and there will always be a pile of laundry... but one of the perks of having a "bonus baby" is you know how fast time flies... so I'm ok with it. I'm enjoying every moment.
2. Poop. I forgot how much newborn babies poop. I mean I have already done this 4 times already, so you think I would be prepared... but I wasn't. SO. MANY. DIAPERS!
3. This baby has made me fall in love with my husband all over again. Watching my husband with this baby seems different. I don't know if it is because we know what is coming :) or if we are older and can appreciate how fast time flies with these little people... but man, I love watching my husband love on this baby.
4. I actually miss exercise. I know... crazy... and nobody better remind me of this when I am released to do it, but I do. This was my first c-section... and let me tell you... it is a very different recovery! It just hurts in a whole different way, and has made be aware of every abdonimal muscle that exists... and how you use them for EVERYTHING! I was running all the way up to 32 weeks, so it is really weird not to physical be able to do anything... I'm ready to go for a run.
5.I have an unhealthy (in every sense) relationship with peanut M&Ms. I crave them on a daily basis, and indulge quite frequently. (Which is probably why the loosing of the baby weight has come to a complete hault ;) ) Fastest way to my heart these days is peanut M&Ms and pebble ice in my drink.
6. This big kids at the house are so fantastic with Jaxten. Constantly competing for holding time, diaper changing opportunities, and fetching whatever he needs. This little baby will be spoiled rotten... and I am ok with that... I think. :)

7. I have spent 90% of this month in a baseball cap. I have 2-3 I rotate between... but pretty much any time I have left the house in the last month I have had a hat on my head. It is what it is... I'm tired, almost always make-up free, and the effort (and time) to fix my hair just isn't there. #blessthismess
8. I was worried about jealousy issues with the kids, (especially Addi) knowing that babies require so much time and attention. The biggest jealously issues have come from Lily, the dog. She really only does it when Eric is holding the baby, never me. But she always goes and sits next to him or tries to get in between Eric and the baby when he's holding him... it is really quite funny to watch.
9. Distance isn't a deal breaker. I was really worried about having this baby when we were so far away from all of our family, but it ended up fine. We had someone here from our family every single day of the little man's first month. Between Eric's family and my family, we had lots of family visit and love on this little guy... and make us (and the other 4 kiddos) feel loved as well.

10. We may not have family that live here, but boy do we have a great support network! We have so many people that love and support us here, it is really overwhelming. From neighborhood friends, school friends, church friends, Secret Service friends... we were overwhelmed with food, gifts, and visits. I have been so worried all of this pregnancy what it would look like to try to get by so far away from our friends and family in Missouri... but it was more beautiful than I could have dreamed. I am ever so thankful (and still working on all those thank you notes) for all of our friendts and support network here.
Well, it has taken me 4 attempts...scratch that, make it 8 attempts (sigh) and more than a week to try to get this blog post out... so we shall see how often they come. :)
It's a wild ride... thanks for joining me on the journey.
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