Here is how it works...
Our family has ordered the socks... we love them! They are super cute! They would make excellent stocking stuffers, gift exchange, cute wear around the house, wear them out, donate to a local hospital.... the possiblities are unlimited!!!
You can order online by going HERE...
Just put "Kriete Pump Project" when it asks Name of Organization you are Helping and we will get $9 for ever package you purchase! $9!!!! That is amazing! The socks will be shipped straight to you, and super quick (2 day shipping)!
If you are not familiar with our story and our mission for Christmas... Here is a link to Our Story on the well and Pump Project!
I am so incredibly excited about this! Fun socks that you can enjoy or give as a gift AND money for the Pump Project AND a pair of warm socks we get to donate to a local person in need! It is just the most perfect thing I could possibly think of to raise funds! We are helping locally and globally!
If you want to purchase locally, you can order through me and I will put in a big order every week and have them shipped here. :)
You can order from now until December 3! Once you order online your socks are shipped to you then, you won't have to wait until the end of the campaign! So if you need them for a holiday gift exchange at the begining of December, no prob... they will be to you!
So order socks for yourself, your kids, your cousins, your grandma, your neighbor, your sports team, a stranger, to donate!!! We don't care who you order these super cute socks for, we just want you to order them! And share this story with your friends, because we want them to order socks too! You don't have to know us to help the cause!
So to recap... Order cute socks, Help the Pump Project, supply warm socks for a local homeless person, feel awesome! It's that easy!
I can't wait to see how God works through these socks! Thanks for joining us on the journey!
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