So these amazing kids have taken a lot of you along for the ride, but just in case you don't know... here is their story...
Several years back, my husband and I decided that we needed to scale back on Christmas. We celebrate with Santa in this house, but we wanted to make Christmas about giving rather than receiving. So we decided that Santa would bring 3 gifts to our kids on Christmas morning, and our gift to our children was to give them $50 each that they have to spend on someone else.
The first year we did it, it was really more fun for us to watch than them I think. :) We got the Samaritan's Purse catalog and they spent the longest time looking through deciding what to do with their money. Did they want to buy chickens, or goats, or school supplies, or medical supplies, or combine their money and buy something bigger like a donkey? It did this momma's heart good to watch them spend hours looking through to decide what to give others. I think all in all that year we ended up with mosquito nets, chickens, school supplies for 50 children, and a goat. Not too shabby for $200.
The next year when they were looking through the catalog in October, Brayden (8 years old at the time) was reading each section. He was very thoughtfully reading the description of what each thing would provide, and trying to make the best choice he could with his $50. He said, "I think we should supply clean water for Christmas." I told him, that he didn't have enough for the hand held water pumps. They would clean water for 1 household for up to 3 months. But it was $250. I told him he would have to convince his brother and sisters to combine their money, and then they would have to try to raise $50. He said, "No Mom, for a whole village. I want clean water for the whole village." I kind of laughed and said, "well buddy, that is $10,000. I don't have $10,000. We only have $200." He looked at me with the most sincere and serious face and said, "well... we have to try."
That is where the idea was born. I could not turn him down. I knew it was a long shot, but I wanted him to know we did everything possible. I wanted him to know God could do BIG things. So scared to death, we let the kids write a letter to friends and family.
Delivering cookies in 2013 |
So Little! |
Cookie Delievery |
We spent the next 2 months doing so many little odds and ins chores for generous people. The kids were 3, 5, 7, and 8... so we were a tad limited on what we could do. But people came up with some crazy awesome things for these little people and we did it! Sorting Legos, picking up sticks and pinecones, decorating Christmas trees, feeding farm animals, addressing Christmas cards, making Christmas cards... if people thought of it, we tried to do it! We baked about 9 million cookies for cookie exchanges and Christmas parties. The kids went through all their toys and started selling them. They gave their birthday and Christmas money to the cause. A local paper picked up the story, and MOPS international picked up the story. We had all kinds of people sending money in that were far away, but wanted to help us reach our goal! Any where from $2 to a $2,000 donation came in. It was unbelievable and humbling.
Sorted all these Legos |
As we got into December we learned that Christian Relief Fund (another amazing organization) had an anonymous donor that would be willing to match whatever we raised! We were so excited!
All in all the kids ended up reaching the goal and building the well! It was such an AMAZING lesson for my children God can do ANYTHING!
February of 2014 when the well was dug, they sent us pictures and it was the amazing awesome feeling all over again!
Every now and then we check in to see how things are going in the village where the well was built. Last year around Christmas we got this message:
"Chemurgui Well has given amazing help to the community here; in fact, this is the busiest well in that location. Because of this particular well, we have planted a church here and the community has been touched. This is the place we have built our Bible school: Victory Christian Training Institute. In fact, it became favorable for the training because there is plenty of water there, thanks to the donor. The Bible School students use the water from here; the church uses the water from here; the community uses the water from here; the children likewise.
Because of the busy use of the well, the cry of the community is to help them put a solar and a submersible pump and tank on it so it can increase its flow in the community. Water can be pumped by the solar pump and run everywhere. The school is also working on horticulture, once water can run to the farm. I don't know if the donor is comfortable to help with this number one need. However there are other several small needs, such as goats and cows to help the area."
At the time, we had only been in Maryland for a little over a year. I felt a little nudge from the Holy Spirit telling me to pursue this and I said, "Nope. We aren't established, we don't have the network or know the area like we did in Missouri. We can't do it." And that is where I left it.
So a few months back we went through a sermon series about being Heroic. And on particular sermon talked about doing hard things that you don't think you can do, and that was heroic. And at the end of the lesson the pastor said, "Is there anything that God is asking you to do that you haven't done yet?" And then God said... "the well." Dang it! I hate it when He does that!
Current pic of the kiddos |
So that day, I emailed my contact through Christian Relief Fund, and sure enough the village is STILL in need of that solar pump! So I brought it up with the kids... here is what they need, this is what it will do... what do you think? They were a 100% on board and making lists of ways to raise the money and how we can help!
Men from the local college and children from the village at our well! |
So that's the story that leads us to now. So the question is... how can you help? First of all we want to say... we are open to ideas! The kids have some things in mind of things they can do (and it is important to Eric and me they have to do something) and we have a pretty exciting fundraiser that will be launched tomorrow... but here is what they have come up with:
Local People
We can do manual labor! These kiddos are hard workers and would love to do whatever jobs you can think of! Ideas they have:
-Rake leaves
-Inside Chores (bathrooms, windows, matching socks)
-Outside Chores (feeding farm animals, hauling wood, pulling weeds)
-Feeding and walking pets if you are out of town (Brayden is really hoping somebody needs care for a pet snake)
-Baked Goods- if you need them for a holiday or birthday party... let us know! If there is interest we will get a price list.
All People
-Make Christmas Cards
-Address Christmas Cards
-Participate in Fundraisers
-Help us Spread the word
We will be Selling
-Pasta Sauce
-Other handmade items
Most Important of all- Please Pray!
We know that this is not us. When God told me a year ago to do this and I said, "Nope. I can't." That was a true statement. I can't. But God can, and I believe He will if we only ask. So I (and Eric and the kids) are asking you to please join us in prayer that we reach our goal and help people that need our help.
We know that this is not possible without the help of our "village". I was really scared because I felt we moved away from our village, but in all reality... God just gave us a much bigger one!
It takes a village... and we've got a good one!
Price tag: $6,500
By When: Christmas 2016
We will launch a big fundraiser tomorrow that we are SUPER EXCITED to share the details with you! It is something you can do whether near and far!
If you have a business and want to make a sizeable tax deductible contribution... I can help you with that!
If you are far a way and you (or your kids) want to contribute by doing their own local fundraiser/bake sale/whatever... we will not turn you away! :)
Donations can be sent by check to:
Cassie Kriete
27595 Avonlea Ct
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
or you can make it online at paypal:
We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store!
Thanks for joining us on this journey!