So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Oh January...

I had high hopes for January. I set all these goals and was motivated to get working. But life happens and things don’t always work out how you plan… so I’m rolling with the punches and hoping the months a head prove to be a little more productive than the first. :) 

First of all, lets get this out of the way…

Soda, I miss you. I thought I would be over you and not be craving you by now… well I’m not.  I still want you but I am staying strong.  The thought of not being able to have a fountain Sundrop with a Dairy Delight burger when I go home in June has literally brought tears to my eyes, but I will push forward and will be a better (or at least a less chemically saturated) woman for it… I hope. I appreciate that my husband has given you up during the week as an act of solidarity, but if he continues to leave you in the fridge all week until he can drink you on the weekend, you might get launched at his head… just sayin’.

Speaking of the hubs… He is worried and trying to talk me out of the no purchases of clothing or accessories for myself. He has said on multiple occasions, “I just don’t think you will be able to go ALL year without needing something for yourself.” I’m not sure if he is having flashbacks of clothing month during the fast with the same 9 articles of clothing all month, or if is fearful of me just being really grumpy about it… but he definitely has concerns. I do believe I have way more than I need in life, and 99% of my purchases are want rather than need, which is why I made the goal to begin with. I am actually really surprised how hard this one has already been. I never noticed how many things I just “picked up” because they were cute or on sale… but it has definitely made me aware of my spending habits. Target was once my long lost love, and has now become my kryptonite… it’s almost painful to walk in. I’m hoping boot cuffs and scarves are still in style next winter. :( There were a few items I didn’t think about before I made the goal.

1.)   My journey necklace chain broke they day before Christmas. I LOVE this necklace and wore it every day. It was a gift from a beautiful friend that represents the Journey of the year of fasting and the journey I’m on. I was super bummed when I realized the necklace was out. BUT… I have reminded my husband almost daily that this is what I want for Valentine’s Day… so I’m banking on that problem being solved.

2.)  Running shoes. Eric brought this to my attention, and honestly, I’m not sure what I will do yet… I’m going to let God figure it out. The problem is this: I can get 500-600 miles out of my shoes. I already had a solid 200 miles on them before the year started and I have a goal of 804 miles. I’ll let you do the math… but I’m going to need/want (haven’t decided if it is a need or a want yet) new shoes.  I’m sure God has a plan, I’ll just have to wait it out.

3.)  Sunglasses. I pay $5 for sunglasses because I lose and/or break them so often. It wasn’t even the end of January before the first pair broke. I’m currently sporting broken shades and hoping that some of the “gone missing” pairs will surface this year.  

If I were to divide up the weeks equally… how much I should be getting rid of, how much I should be running, how much of the Bible I should have read… let’s just say I am WAY behind.  I should have completed 64 miles, given away 155 things, and be half way through Exodus. I’m not. I’m not even close. So here’s to picking up the pace in February.

We are having people in our home, paying stuff down, putting money back, visiting DC attractions, Eric wrote our name down…in ink pen… for a small group at church, and even working on the friend thing. So not all areas are completely behind. :)

I’m moving along… I can see how God is teaching me things, showing me things about myself I didn’t even know I needed to take a look at, and I’m trying to embrace it.  It’s going to be a great year of learning and purging (all kinds of things… even things that aren’t “things”). Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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