Purpose: To be thankful and respectful of the natural food God has given.
5 Things I will be giving up:
Added Sugar- real and artificial
Beverages other than water
All dairy
All grains (including corn)
Processed food- specifically things
containing carrageenan, MSG or sulfites
This leaves basically fruit, veggies, and lean/non-processed
I am basing this month’s fast around the Whole30 food program.
There are a couple of reasons I choose to go this route:
Reading through
the program it sounds exactly like what I had envisioned this month to be
(minus a few minor things). It
basically has you eating everything natural (directly the way God created it)
with out a bunch of stuff added in. And it has you eating the things your body
was created to consume. Win-Win!
-This plan
is already created and has rules to follow without me making it up. This
was a super appealing to have something already lined out with what is cheating
and what is not. Much easier on my part as far as creating the boundaries goes…
and like they say “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.”
3- There is support and resources available. Aside
from the people doing this program with me during the month (council member
Missy and my dear friend Kariann) there are tons of people out there in the
lovely internet world (and some local friends too) that have been there, done
that, and survived it. They can give tips and encouragement… and we all can use
a little bit of that!
If you
want to check it out, here is the website I am using:http://whole9life.com/2012/08/the-whole30-program/
I am going to be super honest…this month TERRIFIES me!!! I
know that good things will come of it, it always does. But I love cheese, I
love bread, I super duper love sugar. I know there are lots of things out there
that are good for me that are delicious, and I am counting on those things this
month, but I will miss those processed, tasty, convenient foods.
My fears/dreads for the month:
Eating out- I might become an unsocial recluse because
I am afraid of making a wrong food choice at a restaurant.
Special occasions- I know there are going to be
birthday parties, baby showers, field trips and such I have during food month
and the likelihood of being able to eat the yummy food available isn’t super
Vacation- our vacation is the last 12 days of the
fast… I seriously do not even want to think about this.
Staying focused on the purpose-I don’t want to
become side tracked by the possibility of loosing a few pounds or inches during
the month. Though I wouldn’t complain if it happened… it is not the purpose.
My family is semi-participating in this month. My children
have decided to give up pizza and ice cream for the entire duration of the
month (sadly we eat these things almost once a week). Eric hasn’t decided if he
is whole heartedly participating yet, but the kids and I are working on him. :)
They will also be eating Whole30 approved dinners, because I am not fixing 2
meals every night. I might fix something extra like pasta or corn or bread with
their meal that I won’t eat, but for the majority of the evening meals they
will be eating like me.
I ate so horrible today in preparation for this month that I
am welcoming the whole foods with open arms. The kids and I went to SnoBiz this
afternoon and ordered pizza for dinner as a last hurrah before the fast.
I know so many of you already eat this way and this may seem
like a breeze to you… but I expect it to be a challenge. Any encouragement from
the “other side” where the grass is greener is much appreciated and very much
welcomed. One of my favorite things it said on the website was this:
Don’t you
dare tell
us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your
coffee black. Is. Not. Hard.
Though I don’t drink coffee, the point was taken loud and
clear. There are so many things in life that are more difficult than eating the
wonderful food God has supplied us with. So I am trying to go into this fast
with that mind set. Someone please
remind me of this 3 days from now when I am a monster and crying for a Diet
Vanilla Coke from Sonic. :)
This should be a very interesting month.
Thanks for joining me on the journey!!!
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