So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty...

It has been a busy week here. It's the "end of the school year season". That means we are still in Spring sports, but having ALL the end of the year concerts, ceremonies, and school activities. When you have 4 school aged children that means something every day.

The Good:
Y'all will be happy to know that since I was bummed about not having gray everyday for brain tumor awareness, the Lord so generously blessed me with a lot of gray hair shinning through for the month. I can't color anything until my month is up, so I am just looking in the mirror every morning and thinking, "There's my gray for the day. Glad I have I life to be living."  There's my shinning silver lining (pun totally intended) for the rest of this month. :)

Also.. I have been totally keeping up with getting laundry washed. Normally there is a TON to do, because for some reason all the million people that live in my house need to wear clothes (usually multiple outfits) daily... what's up with that?!?!? BUT- with my very limited options I'm doing at least a load daily... so staying on top of the keeping laundry clean (folding and putting away is a whole other story ;))

The Bad:
My shorts have been MIA since day 6. It's day 22. I had kids doing laundry and my shorts that I personally put in the wash, mysteriously disappeared. I assumed they got put in one of the kids rooms, but after rummaging through all of their stuff and locating nothing, I had decided to just brave through with the 6 articles of clothing... It has been hot! And I haven't had a comfortable option to lounge in or anything other than my one pair of running pants to work out in. I have 100% using this as an excuse and getting very few workouts in. (Lame... I know)

The Dirty:
So last week we had a band concert (gray dress) on Wednesday, I wore my gray shirt on Thursday and Jax threw up on me (but no fear... green shirt and red dress still clean) so I changed for National Junior Honor Society Induction (red dress) on Thursday evening. (Both to which I felt very underdressed)

Thursday night bedtime attire was the red dress which I woke up covered in leaking breast milk (because my kid finally slept more than 5 hours in a row!!!). So here it was, Friday morning and it was Field Day at the elementary school. Green shirt it is... except I manage to drop my breakfast all down the front of me before we left.  I had not washed anything yet from the previous 2 days.
So now my options are:
1- red dress with 2 huge milk leak marks on a very inappropriate place to head to the elementary school (or anywhere for that matter)
2- green shirt with food/oil all down the front of it
3- gray shirt that was thrown up on the day before... mark is less obvious than breakfast burrito, but smells like baby vomit

So we went with option number 3. Shorts were still MIA, running pants weren't clean, so jeans it was. So off to Field Day in a vomited on gray shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I felt very glamourous.

Cute Baby that made the red dress no longer wearable. :)
The other MAJOR bummer with this debacle with the food... breakfast burrito to be exact... that was generously spilled down the front of my green shirt- it left not 1, but 2 big oil stains. Not wearable anywhere but around the house. The GREAT news that comes with this is that I started to have a little breakdown to my husband. It went a little something like this:
Me: "Now I'm down to 5 things Eric! 5!!!! How am I going to make it through a whole other week with only 5 articles of clothing?!?! 7 was hard enough!"
Eric: "Why do you only have 5?"
Me: "The green shirt is ruined and I still can't find my shorts."
Eric: "Oh I found your shorts. The kids put them with my stuff."

So after being slightly irritated the discovery of the shorts are just now being brought to my attention, I was doing a happy dance that I'm back up to 6 wearable (in public) articles of clothing.

So I may be down a shirt, but I'm up a pair of shorts again. Looks like my gray hair might not be the only silver lining this week. ;)

6 more days.

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a time of it! I've found that Fels Naphtha soap gets just about any stain out. As I'm putting clothes in the washer, with the water filling, I wet the stained area and rub the bar of soap on it, scrub for a bit to saturate the stain and drop it into the washer. It is especially good on greasy stains. Good Luck! Also, at this stage of your life, breast feeding, vomiting children, lots of activities outside the home, you might want to give yourself more options in the clothing department. You have done great and I'm in awe of your diligence to stick to the plan. Good job!
