So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, DO IT ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, December 6, 2013

Prayer Month: Day 1

So prayer time started out as a complete parenting fail. I got up at 6am to pray. I decided that I was going to start my days out with a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. Well, it was 6am… dark and cold. So I turned off my alarm, crawled back under the covers and started to pray. I have so many things to be thankful for, and I really wanted to start out right so I was praying and praying and praying and then sleeping. I woke up at 7:35!!! Everyone was still sound asleep… and we have to leave the house by 7:45 to make it to school on time!

I frantically got everyone up, tossed their clothes in their bed and yelled, “you have 3 minutes to be dressed with your teeth brushed and downstairs!” I ran down and grabbed everyone a cup of dry cereal, thanked my lucky stars it was chicken nugget day at school so no lunches needed to be packed, tossed coats in the car and handed Eleni a brush for her hair in the car. We made it to school in world record time (even getting in the quick 8am “lets be a good example/make good choices prayer” in the car on the way), but I am definitely going to need to change my game plan on my 6am prayer time.

The next prayer came during my trip to town. I had my little notebook in my purse, knowing who and what I was to be praying for, I felt it was going to be good… then I remembered I had a 3 year old in the car. They usually have lots of questions, and on this particular day, she was nonstop chatter. I was praying and answering questions about various things ranging from wild animals vs. farm animals to if it was prettier to have sparkles on a dress or for it to be poofy (on our way for Christmas dress shopping). This tends to make the 15 minute trip to Washington not so “prayer time” focused. I got it done, but it was very much a check it off the list sort of prayer.

My 2pm prayer time was about the same because it was on our way home. Thankfully Addi fell asleep about half way home, so I got a solid 5 minutes to myself.

5pm prayer time I completely forgot about in the midst of running everyone out the door for dance class… so 5pm got bumped to 7:30 when I remembered.

9pm and 11pm weren’t bad because kids were in bed and I could take the time for myself. Hope this gets less crazy and more meaningful as time goes by. I am setting a reminder on my phone for each one starting tomorrow so 5pm busyness does not happen everyday.

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

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